Monday, November 28, 2005

Oops - it's been a little while, or happy domesticity

Well, there are a few things in the works.

On the job front - sent resumes out today on 5 jobs, and still waiting to hear about 2 with agencies. These I first heard about on the 18th, but either they are filled, or last week was a complete waste as far as the agencies go. I'm guessing & hoping the latter. Have another one to send to at my alma mater, Muhlenberg College. I'm not really a poster child for them, but maybe they'll interview me anyway.

Sewing-wise - the local babylock dealer came up with an owner's manual for my old machine and made me a copy. Huzzah! Sandy said she can pick it up for me - Thanks!

Blog-wise - Well, I'm here anyhow. Got a look at Melanie Testa's blog and website today - click the link at right for a look. Neat stuff, and a nice lady.

Quilting-wise - Have our little group Thursday, so there's a deadline. Will photograph when the machine quilting is done. Outside chance tonight, though it will be better if bound.

DippyDyes-wise (ooh! a rhyme!) - Did decent sales in the shops for November, including the two yards in the picture with Dudley below, but largely by going to Jane Townswick's class and pushing it. She gave me her upcoming schedule, so she doesn't seem to mind. She's getting the work to date on the new designs out to Martingale, the publisher and they'll let her know if they want a book proposal. Jane has been unable to hand stitch for 11 months - I'd go nuts! She's teaching at Applique by the Bay the end of this week, and at the Elly Sienkiewicz Applique Academy in February. And I'm going! Click here for her teacher bio on the ESAA page. She's interested in some hand-dyes for the background for her next quilt, so I'll be making up samples. My best customer!

Happy domesticity: besides applying for jobs, I made pumpkin bread and muffins (cupcakes, really), did two loads of wash, got all the non-dyeing ironing caught up and probably other important stuff that has slipped my mind. Still have a couple missions, then off to machine quilt.

Guess that does it for tonight. Thanks for visiting.