Yep, I made it three whole weeks - a new personal best, er, worst. You name it, it went wrong. So, now I am thinking of re-thinking the whole thing, which is just putting major stress on DH. However, I think he was more stressed in those three weeks than I was, so he might not think it's so bad.
First, though, have to dye up some spring colors and get them into the two shops that have my fabrics on consignment. Then try another two local shops, but that won't happen until after vacation. Signed up last August for the Elly Sienkiewicz applique academy, which begins in 1 week!!!!! Then back to reality plus charge card bills.
As a result of travel plans and job changes, I've been cooking. The last time I cut up leeks, I thought "how neat;" this time I got a photo:

Have also had GOOD results using the double needle with machine quilting thread at long stitch length for gathering. Beats hand stitching, and, either way they get stitched I love pulling them apart again. The one good sample I have I overdyed -- Black, which is a tribute to the job that didn't last. Well, I'll make another better one!
That's it for tonight - thanks for looking!