It's almost time for our last show of the year, the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza at Oaks, PA. That's just west of Valley Forge, for those of you outside the area. There's still room in my Dye Basics class - and you can still sign up online here, by phone or in person next Wednesday 9/13 or Thursday morning, 9/14 before 9 AM. Let me know if you want to buy a kit with fabric.
Coming up next spring I'll be teaching at MAQF in Hampton, VA in February and - New Date and Location - QFNJ in Edison in April. If none of those dates or locations work for you - I have some really big news! I will be teaching at Pro Chemical and Dye on May 17 - 18. Sign-ups begin in October - watch this space for a link! And below is a picture of one of my class samples.
Look for quilts by Lisa in next year's shows - there are currently three on the to-do list that tie into either the upcoming classes or general business of dyeing.
The to-do list also has 'blog more' included - hope I will see you here!
P.S. - in you are coming to the show at Oaks and don't get the newsletter 'Hues & News' from DippyDyes, please sign up (we send show coupons.) There's a link at the top of the column to the right, or click here. Thanks!!