At DippyDyes, we dye a lot of solid fabric. The easiest way to do this is with a washing machine. For three-yard pieces, a table top washer is ideal. The washer does the stirring for you, because if you want solid fabrics, you must stir. A lot. And then stir some more. Up to 90 minutes for the darkest values.
From left: phone timer, washer base with timer, kitchen timer. |
Here's where three timers comes in. There's a timer built into the washer. That runs, stirring the fabric for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes of being still, it needs to run for another five minutes. So when I start the five minutes on, five minutes off period, I set the washer at five, the kitchen timer at ten minutes and I set my phone timer for 30 minutes. The ten-minute timer reminds me to jump up and restart the washer for another five minutes. The washer does a good job of stirring AND of snarling a three yard piece into a mess, and it just doesn't have hands. So at the 30 minute mark, it's time to completely rearrange the fabric.
Yes, there's a little compulsiveness going on here, and thanks to that, I get good solid fabrics. If you'd like to learn more, you can sign up for my email list
here: ( Thanks!
Gotta run - my timer just beeped at me!