The dye workshop had been set up on two 6 foot tables that had been borrowed from work, so mid week I cleaned them off and today we returned them to the job, and also picked up that dratted library book. So the only thing that remains is to wait for the final paycheck and I can close that page in the book.
Not having the tables is a real drag, but the substitute is at least in the wood shop. So in order to dye today I returned to the original space - on top of the stove. (No counters in the 9-year-old temporary kitchen, but that's another story.) Anyhow, got about 3 yards of fabric dyed, did the rinse job in the upstairs almost studio. If the energy level permits, I'll get more staining done tonight, so the second coat can go on tomorrow.
Also got the washer tub and lid picked up at the powder coater - it's a beautiful finish, and will protect the aluminum from the dye solutions. I could even do solid-color immersion dyeing, rather than low-water stuff. Took a picture of all the disparate bits of washer for a future 'before and after' post.
Here's a picture of the owner's manual (found on eBay):
I consider myself lucky because this model has a pump - not all did! Why a wringer washer you ask? That's a story for another post.
Oh, and my book came from Honolulu - OPULENCE: The Kimonos and Robes of Itchiku Kubota. Another eBay purchase, recommended by various dyers, including Paula Burch on her great site. (Have to add that to the links column.) Incredible images, inspirations, Itchiku.
That's it for tonight!
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